Sunday, October 3, 2010

Noroi: The curse

I can always dig a japanese horror flick. They generally rock. But this one is just cool. I know not every blog can span pages and i dont intend on trying. But this film is great. Its a docu-horror type film told form the perspective and camera crew (primarily) of a paranormal investigator who believes that he has stumbled across an ancient curse that has started plagueing japan once again.
You can watch this movie no matter who you are. This film doesnt feel as japanese as some other j-horror does and the shaky camera stuff is "pro-grade" shaky (cameraman). This is a ghost story and an inteligent one at that. Definitely worth the watch. If you wanna try finding it its not too hard to find. Go to youtube and search for "Noroi" and you will find Noroi Part 1/11 and get watchin!

The McPherson Tape: Incident at lake county

This film was pretty cool. I have to admit. The acting was actually pretty intense for a bunch of nobodies. This film was apparently aired on TV as an "unsolved mystery" kinda thing. Wicked cool. This flick is worth checking out. I learned about while looking up fake documentary horror. And this one is like blair witch mixed with fourth kind. totally awesome. The film was kinda low budget but the faulty camera work hides it for the entire movie so its all good.

Search for "Alien abduction incident at lake county" on really really worth the watch.