Friday, November 21, 2014

Retrospect review: Big Ass Spider! (2013)

Okay so this review is nothing special and this a not a film I have recently or more than once. As a retrospect review, I am looking back on a film a saw a while back and one that I have had time to process and meditate on.

Big Ass Spider is a joke.

It's a funny joke though. This film is one that perfectly embodies the concept of a film that does not take itself seriously. It's a cute idea that has been done over and over again. To death. Now this film is far from flawless. This movie is bad. Really bad. Almost unwatchable. And this all due to the fact that this film is full of TERRIBLE ACTING! I mean wow. It is bad. But that's not all. Sprinkled on top of this incoherent vat of poor character definition and actors who don't know how in love/badass/serious/easy going/funny/Mexican their character is supposed to be is a good deal of bad character development that is in every instance either forced and out of nowhere, or it is poorly executed to the point of me wondering if the actor is supposed to be playing someone else and just forgot to change his outfit. It's that bad.
At one point in the film the love interest female military type expressed concern and even love for the exterminator main character played by Greg Grunberg (you know... from Heroes). This is of course halfway through the film where we have only seen a good deal of the exterminator unsuccessfully flirting with her and asking her out and the girl shutting him down. And I mean hard core shutting him down with zero interest expressed to the point of disdain.  No hints that she finds him charming, no hints that *we* should find him charming. Just one scene she hates him,  and the next they are in love. This is contrived nonsense and the film didn't need it because there is a giant goddamn spider.  I did not care about the love story in this movie.

This film is bad but I enjoyed watching it. It was good for a lot of laughs and I think I could watch it again with friends and have a good time.

But I probably won't.

As a matter of fact I think I'd rather just watch Eight-Legged Freaks. A better, funnier giant spider movie. Nice try though Big Ass Spider.

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