Thursday, March 12, 2015

The blogger blues

Well. It sure has been a while since I posted anything. This could be in part that I am not currently working so my schedule has gone to hell. Maybe it is because I have gotten to distracted from spending so much fucking time with my fantastic kids. Maybe its because I have not watched any movies.

At all.

It is depressing. I mean everyone understands, life happens. But when someone who at one point in his life watched a movie at least on a movie a day goes to watching one movie every two weeks, I suppose he gets somewhat put off. A little discouraged maybe. Like what kind of movie buff do I think I am when i don't even get around to watching movies that I have had on my watchlist for over a year?

I think I am going to be reformatting the rate at which I post on this blog. Firstly, I am going to make an effort to watch AT LEAST once a week. As I get better at posting, I will commit to more.
Secondly, I will not necessarily keep to the review format of my previous posts. I will just be keeping a movie Diary here. I am working on a more review focused project elsewhere.

Good luck to me! I will have my first Post up by Friday and every Friday after that.

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