Monday, December 15, 2014

The Purge Fan Fiction?: The Purge: Anarchy (2014)

I If you liked The Purge, you might like this movie. I cannot say that this film is particularly if at all faithful to the original intent of the first film. We all know that The Purge was a film about the 1% finding the perfect excuse to eliminate the lower tiers of the 99. This film is not about that. It is fan fiction.
I say this because I have found that fans of some shows or movie find that they are so enthralled with the lore of the world that the fiction created, that they desire to know more. A good friend of mine for example is quite the fan of Dianey's Frozen.
Pay attention now because I'm about to make a comparison between the hit Disney animated princess film and The Purge.
Frozen caught the attention of so many with its Disney visuals, pop-broadway songs, and of course interesting characters. It set up a whole world that some found to be interesting. The Purge did this as well with its concept alone. Unfortunately that's all the film really has going for it. Friend found the plot and characters to Disney's Frozen to be so compelling that she theorized fan fiction and drew fan art to quell her desire for more lore. This is exactly what Purge: Anarchy does. The first movie raised so many questions that for the lost part, none of cared to the think up answers for, so the creators went ahead and wrote it's own fan fiction with new characters to show us what kind of world this was.
Not implying it this time like in the first one. This movie straight up tells us that the 1 percent want to kill off the poor.
The original film, The Purge, is conceptually very interesting. The ideas in place and the inferences to the consequences of those ideas are a parent and we'll developed. Even though it raises more questions than the plot answers, the movie was what I believe to be a success in delivering it's message. Now all that aside. You have this world. The soon future, when this film takes place. An America run by the New Founding Fathers. It's eery. What I found to be so clever about the first movie however is totally ruined in this sequel. The Purge: Anarchy tells us so much about how fucked the whole world has become because of The Purge that it feels like for one night every year, The Hunger Games meet The Road Warrior and we have rich people murdering the shit out of everyone.
This film had some interesting ideas too though. They were just lost in the mayhem of the production. The gang was completely overhyped and undercooked in the film. If you look at the cover of the movie and figure, "Hey, they look cool, I'll check this out" don't be fooled, they are not in the movie much  and the payoff of their motivations sum up to more or less, "well we had to help motivate characters around the city to progress the plot."
I saw this film because I like the first one. This one is not a horror movie anymore though. It's a thriller. It's fun and kinda cool but by no means good. It wouldn't be a total waste of your time to check it out but don't have your hopes too highly set.

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