Hey everyone. So I have been surfing the net in search of new films to view (or old ones if I somehow missed them) and saw on IMDB that the 2008 film, Splinter, got a 6.4 out of ten stars in its user review. So I'm sure any normal person who read that would think, "Gee, 6.4 kinda sucks. And Pat's a moron," or something along those lines. But comparatively speaking, when looking through EVERY film in a genre especially if that genre is horror, 6.4 is pretty good. And man, am I glad my standards are that low, because this movie is surprisingly underrated. It's one of those antagonistic virus/bacteria/micro-organism kinda movies with the like of Cabin Fever, The Thing, and every fucking zombie movie out there. And it really follows through. It movie features a plentiful level of character development, and a movie monster premise that ends up surprising you even if you're ready for it. The gore in this one is good too without keeping the movie up all by itself, and the horror is not forgotten for even a moment in the film. This movie does not drag, is carries you along very well and doesn't let you get bored. I gave it a 8 out of ten. Definitely worth the watch.
Not that I mean to insult you, your review was quite good, but don't you mean the film was underrated, or are you playing up the fact that you called yourself an idiot? Whatever the case may be, I cannot wait to read your next review.
thank you Anom. I have since corrected my mistake. I guess i was right about being an idiot. ^_^
Might check this one out.
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