The Halloween Movies. The original movie spawned seven sequels, and these movies c
reated a legend out of the antagonist, Michael Myers. The next two, directed by Rob Zombie, would destroy him. The first remake was not terrible, the gore certainly outdid the suspense, which was unfortunate, but by today's standard, not absolutely dreadful, and this one did not kill Micheal. After the first remake in '07, Zombie went to work on the sequel where he was determined to end the story... well he did. In '09 Rob Zombie released H2 and ruined Micheal Myers. I don't really need to go into incredible detail, but in a nutshell, Zombie took away the mask, gave Myers a mommy complex, and killed him... Literally. Fucking dead. I would worry about spoilers if i thought this POS was worth even watching but it's not. And That is really not fair.

Okay this post is a bit lengthy, but it wont last, so bear with me. the next would be the '0
9 version on Friday the 13th. Special effects have gotten pretty effective in grossing us out, and since the original was just the movie that set the standard for nudity and gore in horror, and since that is what horror has somewhat come to be today, the remake was not a bad remake. It was just as dumb and enjoyable as the first.

Now, wrapping it all up, the 2010 remake of A Nightmare on Elm Street. The remake is apparently a huge disappointment. I say "Apparently" because i don't truly agree with that judgement. The Original octalogy of movies was enjoyable and established Freddy Krueger as a memorable character (and having the same actor, Robert Englund, play him in all eight certainly helped) and a
monster you just loved to hate... or maybe in some cases just loved. but in the remake, they make Freddy much more serious and demonic unlike the original mischievous prankster. But in its defense, the original NMOES from '84 (the first one) featured a very similar character, a much scarier and monstrous Freddy. So though the effect are more CG and there is an issue with Jackie Earl Haley not being as good as Robby, the remake was not unwatchable.

I'm done, I've held you up too long as it is. My future post will not (hopefully) be as long as this one. I'm going to do my best to keep up with all the horror that you and everyone else is interested in, so look forward to my future posts.
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